01. Bloc a Bloc 07-22 Curatory Final Degree Show 250 Tesis of Design and Industrial Design Students
Bloc A Bloc 2022 took part as a Degree Show of Elisava’s University with the purpose of exhibit the fourth-grade student’s final thesis projects of the Degree in Design and Degree in Industrial Design Engineering.
It ended up providing a whole experience by creating a clear narrative materialized from the way the space was built to the dynamic of the events. The “under construction” was the main topic of the exhibition therefore all the single parts converged and added up an enrichment to the storytelling. Two hundred and a half projects with their respective students built their displays based on a single unit: a brick, by stacking a certain amount of them in the best way to communicate the project. Bloc A Bloc was designed thanks to a group of 25 students, 5 teachers and a partnership with Sociedad 0. In addition, Fraser Muggeridge, a skilled collaborator, joined us as we incorporated the TIMES MEGAFONT for visual design and wayfinding. Should you wish to explore further, the brand guidelines are available for download here.