The storyteller 12-22
Graphic Design - Cocept
Building narratives
beyond the bubble
Supervised by: Sociedad 0, Raúl Goñi

From the standpoint of creating a school for raising awareness, our proposal delves into the creation of narratives and their implications in the generation of knowledge. We identified how the root  of most of society's problems lies within narratives that are never questioned  but shape our environment and support structures of oppression, discrimination  and conformism. For fighting against the privileges and commodities that impedeus from looking beyond our own reality, the OPEN ARMS BOAT has been transformed into a printing house. The producedjournal gathers up new mechanisms,
exercises and first-hand stories in  order to reach a wide spectrum of real information which helps reflect not only  the migratory emergency, but all the corruptions of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION  OF HUMAN RIGHTS. Aside from the main narrative, austerity, self-sufficiency, transience (fragility, vulnerability), subsistence, survival and urgency are the six pivotal concepts leading all the workshops that will be carried out inside and outside the boat.  Moreover, these serve as a channel aiming to catalyze existing voices, thus empowering and promoting self-determination.